How to start pay for performance Advertising

Results-based Advertising

Pay For Performance Results – it’s what you should have been getting all along.

Starting Pay For Performance Advertising services is easier than you think.

When you’ve considered the pros and cons of pay for performance advertising, one thing becomes clear very quickly. The benefits greatly outweigh procrastination in getting started.

First, we need to better understand your situation and goals to formulate your solution. That’s not a terribly difficult first step. It’s only fair we know what we’re up against and what you’d like us to achieve.

On our first phone call we ask questions to learn more about your business and share a bit more about our process and how we work. You’ll have questions. We’ll have questions. You’ve probably gone through similar scenarios before.

At the end of that call, if you’re ready to put us to work, we’ll proceed.

You will need to gather specific information we discuss on the first call. We will email you a brief Pay For Performance checklist that helps you gather the info we require to get started.

If needed, a second call gets you get more answers to more questions based on the specifics of your business and situation.

Start Pay For Performance Advertising

To start pay for performance advertising as our 30-day service, we will email you a proposal to sign off on. There are no fees required at this stage – this proposal just gives us permission to work with your company.

When we receive a signed copy back from you, we begin the proposed work.

At the end of 30 days from the official start date, the results we’ve made happen are either acceptable to you for us to get paid and continue, or we go our separate ways.

Let’s get going and schedule that first call.

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